Exercise Dance
Led by Gail Livingston, email: gaillivingston9@gmail.com
Led by Gail Livingston, email: gaillivingston9@gmail.com
Led by Gail Livingston, email: gaillivingston9@gmail.com
Led by: Jennifer Stubbs, email: jenniferstubbs@me.com
Led by Gail Livingston, email: gaillivingston9@gmail.com
Location: Fireside Room and Princess Room Contact: Christine Ball christineszkoda@gmail.com
Hosted by: Kathy, kathryn.melville@gmail.com
Led by Lynn O'Day email: l.oday@sympatico.ca
Led by Mike Binder, mbinder@cogeco.ca
Location: Princess and Fireside Rooms Contact: Christine Ball christineszkoda@gmail.com
Convener: Barry Hunter Contact: jbob193980@gmail.com