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Book Club
Organizer: Paulette Moser, email: pmosesmith@gmail.com
Led by: Peggy and Greg Garach email: gpgarach@cogeco.ca
Led by John Dimen. Email: jdimen1@gmail.com
American Mahjong
Led by Gill Nielsen, email: genielsen51@gmail.com
Duplicate Bridge
Led by Peggy and Greg Garach. Email: gpgarach@cogeco.ca
Exercise Dance
Led by Gail Livingston, email: gaillivingstone9@gmail.com
Friday Social Bridge
Led by Joan and John Dunham. Email: dunhams403@gmail.com
Exercise Dance
Led by Gail Livingston, email: gaillivingstone9@gmail.com
Social Event
Led by: Mary and Mike Binder, email: mbinder@cogeco.ca