Join your friends and neighbours for a casual night of community spirit and fun. For adults there will be euchre, music and a cash bar (cash only please). For the kids we will have supervised games (such as mini sticks) movies and a craft station. You are welcome to bring a favourite family game along for all to […]
We are going to hold 2 more website training sessions to show members how to sign up and pay for events online. There will be 12 places for each session. You can sign up by replying to this email. People will be registered on a first come, first served basis and others will be put on a […]
NOVEMBER FASHION SHOW WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH, 2017 This event is proving to be very popular, hence we are limiting it to members only. If you haven't made your reservation, please do so as soon as possible by contacting: Marilyn Kulcsar 905-847-0357 or Payment must be received before the event. Cash will not be accepted. […]
Port Nelson United Church will be using the Club's facilities to hold their Annual Mistletoe Mart. The Church will be under renovations in 2017 and the Church facility will be unavailable.
PUB AND EUCHRE NIGHT, Nov 17th, 7:00 PM COME AND HAVE FUN NO PARTNER NEEDED $10.00 PER PERSON (INCL HST) GUEST $15.00 Per Person For those who need a crash course on Euchre we will have a professional instructor on hand to guide you through the learning process. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the evening. […]
After 25 + years, Craig is retiring! Don't miss the party of the century and your chance to stand up and roast Craig Lomas!!! Tickets $20.00 (HST included) Members Guests welcome. Tickets $30.00 (HST included) Credit card only. Your ticket covers a gift for Craig, snacks and late night pizza. Cash bar. To purchase your ticket, […]