Happy Hour
Immediately after Friday afternoon bridge, join your fellow members for Happy Hour! Cash bar. The group goes out for dinner afterwards.
Immediately after Friday afternoon bridge, join your fellow members for Happy Hour! Cash bar. The group goes out for dinner afterwards.
Led by: Mary and Mike Binder, email: mbinder@cogeco.ca
Led by: Jennifer Stubbs, email: jenniferstubbs@me.com
Location: Fireside Room and Princess Room Contact: Christine Ball christineszkoda@gmail.com
Led by Mike Binder, mbinder@cogeco.ca
contact info: Ian Darroch, emai: iandarroch287@gmail.com
contact: Ian Darroch, email: iandarroch287@gmail.com
contact: Jennifer Stubbs jenniferstubbs@me.com
Contact: Jennifer Stubbs Email: jenniferstubbs@me.com
Location: Upper Floor, Princess and Fireside Rooms Contact: Hugh Eisler rheisler50@gmail.com
Contacts: Joan/Allan Cox: jcox2@bell.net Ian/Linda Darroch: iandarroch287@gmail.com